The Axkid One 2 is the safest child car seat that the manufacturer has on the market. - The only ISOFIX child seat on the market with i-Size approval up to 125 cm/ 23 kg. Axkid ONE 2 has also passed the Swedish Plustest, one of the toughest crash tests in the world.
Always flexible
Change at any time after three months for all terms
Simple payment
No deposit, no hidden costs.
Short terms
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Quality promise
All used products are technically perfect.
You can find the answers to the most frequently asked questions in our FAQ. If you still have unanswered questions, please contact us in the chat or call us: 089 255525662
We want you to always have the right product for your child's age and needs. You can cancel your subscription at any time after the minimum term. Or you can simply switch to the next product.